Lots of people dread Monday mornings. In fact, for many, the dread begins to creep in on a Sunday evening.
Monday mornings are often disliked because they mark the end of the weekend and the start of a new work week, which means returning to responsibilities and routines. Additionally, the abrupt transition from a more relaxed weekend schedule to a structured work schedule can be challenging for some people.
It doesn’t have to be like that though. We are all capable of changing our perceptions and making the most of what we have. William James; an American psychologist, believed that we ourselves choose whether to be happy or not. The act of believing that you will be happy will in turn lead to happiness.
So if you feel low, think back to a time when you were happy and immerse yourself in those ‘happy thoughts’ and believe you will get to feeling like that again but as we are talking about Mondays, here are some Monday morning mantras to help you get through the week:
"I am capable of handling anything that comes my way this week."
"I choose to approach each day with a positive attitude and an open mind."
"I am grateful for this opportunity to grow and learn."
"I will focus on what I can control and let go of what I can't."
"I am worthy of success and happiness, and I will work towards it every day."
Monday is a chance for a fresh start every week.
Lets all embrace Mondays.
Spi-des-ign are always here to take the stress and pressure from our clients. Get in contact with a member of the team to discuss your digital and creative requirements.
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