Your website is the front line of the business when it comes to marketing yourself. It is most likely the first place people go to find out information about your brand/business. It tells them where you are, how to get in contact, what products or services you offer, it is also used as an opportunity to see whether or not they may choose to work with you or your competition.
Here are 5 elements you could be missing from your website that are very important to make that all important conversion/sale:
CALL TO ACTIONS (CTA) - A clear call to action is SO important. You want the readers to do something. This may be; 'contact us', 'sign up to our newsletter', 'view more' for them to go to another page or even 'share' to another platform. The list of options is endless but ultimitely you want them to create an action. Users will not know what you want unless you tell them. Your CTA can be shown in numerous ways, from a brightly coloured button below some text, to a simple phrase/word linked inside of the body copy.
CONTACT INFORMATION - In most cases your users will want to contact you at some point, this may be to ask further questions about a particular service or product, or it may be just to ask where you are located; so they can come and visit you. It can be very frustrating and can turn away customers if there is no clear way of contacting you or your business. So ensure your telephone number and/or email address is easily located and visible as much as possible as you navigate through your website.
QUALITY / RELEVANT CONTENT - You want to be informative without overloading the readers with pointless, long body text. If the content on your website is too long-winded or if it doesn’t get straight to the point then people will leave and go somewhere else. You want to entice them in, not bore them. Top-quality content will make people want to explore your site further.
We have created a checklist to help you identify which areas need improving or what could be missing from your website. After using the checklist and finding out what you can improve on or are missing, call our team on 01359 518060 or send us an email to and we will be happy to help.
Click here to open the checklist.
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